In January the boat is booked back into the workshop for the next phase of works which includes...
There are two final skin fittings to be replaced which were left over from phase 1. These are the bilge pump outlet and the battery gas vent. While the boat us out of the water the lower (red) tunnel band will also be repainted.
The Black gloss on the hull sides above the rubbing strake will also be repainted.
This will involve altering the cooling connections on the engine to connect to the new skin tank, draining the coolant, flushing out the engine and refilling with new coolant, then bleeding the system to remove any air locks.
The old skin tank will also be flushed out ready for reuse cooling the electric motor.
Finally the old coolant can be pumped out from the bilge and disposed off.
The new fittings for the Skin tank are the brass tubes on the left side of the picture. New flexible pipes will run from these along the side of the engine (right side of pic) to connect to the engine cooling.
I am in the process of finalising plans for some internal joinery works that are long overdue these include.
These changes should improve the storage in the front cabin and bathroom and reduce the number of items that are stacked on the floor as well as improving the security of the side hatch and rear doors.
Pictures to follow.
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