Refurbished Motor
Published: Sunday, 16 March 2014
Last week the refurbished motor has been returned, with new bearing, replacment brushes and the commutator skimmed, fit and ready for another 5 years plus of service.
Lynch reported that the motor bearing looked fine, but while it was dismantled it has been replaced anyway.
With it looking like the motor was not the source of the bearing noise attention has turned to the next most likely culprit, the belt tensioner pulley that keeps the belt between the motor and the prop shaft tight. It's unlikely the the problem is in the gearbox bearing as the noise disappears when switching to diesel power and the gearbox bearing is used for both electric and diesel. So for a modest outlay of £14+ vat and shipping this bearing will get replaced while the electric drive is disassembled.
Plans are to refit and test next weekend 22/23rd March. A test run to the Fir tree inn might be called for.
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