Winter Works 2017/18
There are a number of other jobs I am planning
Front Cabin
Varnish lower cabin sides
Refurbish corner table, including rounding front corner off, rub down and varnish, refit with new wedges.
Trim kitchen rear corner against bathroom bulkhead.
Trim worktop on starboard side to match port side.
Door stop and catch on cupboard door
Trim room and seal panel edges.
Glue floorboards in front of sink
Box in pipes between bed and sink unit
Fit CO detector
Rear Cabin
Scotia trim around Washing machine cubbyhole
Varnish / paint lockers and deck boards (brick red floor paint on steps and centre boards the rest varnished)
move CO detector nearer bunk height.
Install guard around eberspacher boiler
Install protection tube on eberspacher boiler deisel feed (clear pipe)
Engine and Electrics
Change Solar so it connects on Battery side of main isolator.
Remove loose rust in engine bilge, treat rust with inhibiter and paint any exposed metal.
Man Over Board System
I have been looking at Man Overboard systems for a while after I was single handing through a long tunnel and was struck by the thought that if I was to fall off the back of the boat, the boat would just keep going without me.
Originally I was looking at the classic lanyard operated kill switch, but was not convinced being attached to the boat with a lanyard was going to be practical, and it would require remembering to attach the lanyard to be effective. I recently came across a wireless MOB system that seems to answer most of these issues and could be in use all the time not just for tunnels.
I am working with Hybrid Marine to ensure we can interface with the hybrid system aand plan to fit this over the winter.
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