Wimboldsley (Shroppie Middlewich Branch) to Broken Cross (T&M) 25the May 2015
From Wimboldsley along the last of the Shroppie Middle wich branch and Lock down to the Trent and Mersey at Middlewich. Then through the 3 locks curving around Middlewich threading ourselves in amongst the departing hire fleets. Sharing the Big Lock with another boat and then on to the windy T&M to an overnight mooring at Broken Cross and a vist to the Old Broken Cross pub. Unfortunately as no food was being served we had a walk to the Chinese takeaway and an excellent meal on the boat.
Hurleston to Wimboldsley (Shroppie Middlewich Branch) 24th May 2005
From our mooring near Hurleston junction to Barbridge junction to drop off rubbish then turn right on to the Middlewich branch to an overnight mooring on the outskirts of Middlewich.
Audlem to Hurleston 23rd May 2015
From Audlem descending the remaining 3 locks of the flight, then past over a mile of moored boats visiting the festival. At Hack Green we pass the (not so) Secret Nuclear Bunker and descend the final 2 locks of the day. A stop at Nantwich Aquaduct to pick up a member of crew that had arrived by train from Reading, then out of Nantwich to a rurual mooring just before Hurleston Junction and the start of the Langollen Canal.